Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day Two...and Other Updates...

Well, Day Two was, just like Day One, "not so bad", though I think, again, stove usage got us. The oven was on for about 1.25 hours or so while I baked some potatoes as a midnight feast for the hubby and myself. I did, however, do a steak and peppers on the grill, so that wasn't so bad.

I am, however, getting a little worried about the oven. It seems like it takes forever to reach temperature. I haven't timed it, so I don't know for sure. It could just be me agonizing over every minute that something is in production. Further updates as events warrant (as Calvin and Hobbes like to say...)

We also had to have the air conditioning on for a portion of the day, about 5-6 hours, since the daytime just got too hot and humid to deal with otherwise. After dark it got cool enough that we could turn it off, so we did, and it has been off ever since (and is still off into Day Three! Hooray!)

Now, about those updates.

The project was reset two days ago, and suprisingly enough that's about when the usual monthly regards came from DTE Energy, our local energy provider, not surprisingly demanding what feels like a king's ransom to an already-stretched budget. In fact, my husband and I joke that our budget isn't a budget, it's a dishcloth. We stopped stretching years ago when it became more efficient just to wring it out over two weeks and then add more.

This energy bill, however, was actually eagerly anticipated, as it would show us actual meter readings and let us know how much energy we had saved by unplugging our appliances, if any.

Energy Bill, August 2011, Page 1
Energy Bill, August 2011, Page 2 you can see, the family has managed to decrease its energy usage over the last 30 days by unplugging appliances. Our average usage per day of kWh decreased by 9%, from 34.9 to 31.6. This bill was also helpful in that we used the actual meter reading - 54655 - as the starting point for this 30 days, when we will do further experiments on usage and cutting down to see where we can save even more money and energy.

Okay, so I know that what we saved as far as energy doesn't seem like a lot, but hey, every little bit counts - especially when it counts towards the bill.

So, for now, we're enjoying a nice day without air conditioning, and hopefully we'll be able to say that we saved even more money at the end of the month! :)

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