Sunday, August 28, 2011

Up To Day Twelve...Time's A-Flyin!

I took a look at the blog tonight and all I could say was "Ouch! It's been that long since I updated??"

Well, apparently it has.

I could use the excuse that life has been hectic, or the dog ate the computer. Which would everyone prefer??

In truth, neither of those things happened - but I was as busy as ever.

Suffice to say, little has changed in the current family project, in the few days since I last updated. We continue to live with all appliances unplugged, except when they are in active use. This has already caused a bit of grumbling, especially in the direction of the bathroom - I forgot my husband's electric shaver needed to be charged before use.

Minimal stove usage has been the order of things for most meals, along with the microwave. Really, the microwave sits on the counter mainly as a showpiece now, and we only use it to heat up water for the occasional lunch of Raamen noodles (we really don't eat those very much). We used to use it to tell time, but with it being unplugged nowadays, a glance that direction doesn't reveal much. Most food (at least two out of three of the meat-startch-veggie combo for dinner) is cooked on the grill, where it is flavored by the sweet smell of propane, as well as keep our energy costs down.

Part of the reason that it is so important to us to use the stove minimally for meals at this point in time is because it must remain on so much of the time for our other pursuits, such as canning and blanching veggies to be put up for winter. Already this week I have numerous veggies to do, as well as at least one more batch of jam to put up. For more about our canning adventures and garden exploits, head on over to our other blog, Suburban Quest.

I continue to wash dishes using the energy-and-water-saving method, which is to say that I put two gallons in each side of the sink and go to town on the dishes. Everything is carefully pre-scraped and rinsed using a very minimal amount of water at the outset. I figure, if we're not going to be as good as an EnergyStar rated dishwasher (which uses four gallons of water), then why do it at all? The very best I can hope for is to win out on the power usage: Any dishwasher, EnergyStar or not, would have to remain on for the full cycle of wash, rinse, and possibly dry. Since I only have to have the faucet on for three minutes (five tops when pre-rinsing the dishes, off and on), I'd like to think I'm winning out on that score. Our next energy and water bills will definately tell us the whole story.

Well, now I'm off to make bread, so good night everyone! Sometime this week I'll make sure and look at the energy meter and take a picture to post. Take care!

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